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Title: Hubal
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.4
Imdb Votes: 7
Duration: 126 mins
Year: 1973
Language: Russian, Polish,
Genre: War, Drama,
Country: Poland,


Based on a true story. After Poland is overrun by Axis forces in 1939, an officer and his remaining men decide to continue fighting the invaders alone, thereby becoming the first guerrillas of World War II.


Actors - Crew

Ryszard Filipski
Henryk Dobrzański "Hubal"
Małgorzata Potocka
Marianna Cel "Tereska", członek oddziału "Hubala"
Tadeusz Janczar
Kapitan Maciej Kalenkiewicz "Kotwicz"
Zbigniew Buczkowski
Złodziej Sawicki
Franciszek Trzeciak
Plutonowy Antoni Kisielewski, członek oddziału "Hubala"
Emil Karewicz
Rotmistrz Stanisław Sołtykiewicz
Bohdan Poręba
Jan Józef Szczepański
Tadeusz Wieżan
Ryszard Filipski
Jerzy Skrzepiński
Production Design
Wojciech Kilar
Original Music Composer

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