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Title: The Ceremony
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7
Imdb Votes: 32
Duration: 123 mins
Year: 1971
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Japan,


Oshima’s magisterial epic, centering on the ambivalent surviving heir of the Sakurada clan, uses ritual and the microcosm of the traditional family to trace the rise and fall of militaristic Japan across several decades.


Actors - Crew

Kenzō Kawarasaki
Sakurada Masuo
Atsuko Kaku
Sakurada Ritsuko
Atsuo Nakamura
Nobuko Otowa
Sakurada Shizu
Hōsei Komatsu
Rokkō Toura
Nagisa Ōshima
Mamoru Sasaki
Tsutomu Tamura
Shigemasa Toda
Art Direction
Hideo Nishizaki
Sound Recordist
Kinshirô Kuzui

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