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Title: The Apple War
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.938
Imdb Votes: 39
Duration: 103 mins
Year: 1971
Language: German, Swedish,
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy,
Country: Sweden,


A German businessman wants to buy land in southern Sweden for a gigantic amusement park, his new project called "Deutschneyland" (a wordplay of Deutschland and Disneyland). Some of the locals dislike the idea, including the magically talented Lindberg family, and work to frustrate the development plans.


Actors - Crew

Per Grundén
Jean Volkswagner
Gösta Ekman
Sten Wall
Sture Ericson
Larsson in Tofta
Ingvar Ottoson
Werner Affeman
Per Waldvik
Hans Nilsson
Yvonne Lombard
Kerstin Gustafsson
Tage Danielsson
Hans Alfredson
Ulf Axén
Art Direction
Bengt Ottekil
Makeup Artist
Per Carleson
Sound Engineer
Christer Furubrand

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