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Title: On the Buses
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 33
Duration: 88 mins
Year: 1971
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


Stan gets a little annoyed when his Mum and Sister keep buying expensive items on hire purchase, but the money he earns for overtime working as a bus driver means that he can afford it... just! His job is secure, as bus drivers are hard to come by, and his overtime prospects are good, until the bus company decide to revoke a long standing rule and employ women bus drivers. Aghast at the thought of


Actors - Crew

Reg Varney
Stan Butler
Doris Hare
Stan's Mum
Michael Robbins
Arthur Rudge - Stan's Brother-in-Law
Anna Karen
Olive Rudge
Stephen Lewis
Blakey, Stan's Inspector
Bob Grant
Jack Harper, Stan's Conductor
Harry Booth
Ronald Chesney
Ronald Wolfe
Mark McDonald
Director of Photography
Eddie Knight
Makeup Supervisor
Christopher Neame
Production Manager

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