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Title: Creatures the World Forgot
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5
Imdb Votes: 23
Duration: 92 mins
Year: 1971
Language: English,
Genre: Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction,
Country: United Kingdom,


As the first nomadic tribes wander across the vast wilderness of the infant planet they confront hostilities created by the harsh environment and each other. After a massive volcanic eruption a tribal chief is killed and his two sons fight for supremacy, not only for the leadership of the tribe but also for the love of a beautiful young woman. The age-old battlegrounds of rivalry, envy and passion are explored in this tale of prehistoric adventure.


Actors - Crew

Julie Ege
Brian O'Shaughnessy
Tony Bonner
Marcia Fox
The Mute Girl
Rosalie Crutchley
The Old Crone
Don Leonard
The Old Leader
Don Chaffey
Michael Carreras
Mario Nascimbene
Original Music Composer
Vincent G. Cox
Director of Photography
Chris Barnes
James Liggat

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