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Title: Angels of Terror
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 11
Duration: 89 mins
Year: 1971
Language: German,
Genre: Thriller,
Country: Germany,


An Australian woman arrives in London to search for her sister who she finds is involved with a heroin smuggling gang. The gang itself is under attack from an unknown rival, who is methodically assassinating them with a shot to the head.


Actors - Crew

Uschi Glas
Danny Fergusson
Hansjörg Felmy
Inspector Craig
Werner Peters
William Baxter
Harry Riebauer
Milton S. Farnborough
Siegfried Schürenberg
Sir John
Günther Stoll
Doctor Ellis
Harald Philipp
Horst Wendlandt
Edgar Wallace
Karl Löb
Director of Photography
Johannes Ott
Production Design
Ingrid Zoré
Costume Design

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