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Title: Agnus Dei
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.8
Imdb Votes: 4
Duration: 84 mins
Year: 1971
Language: Hungarian,
Genre: History, War,
Country: Hungary,


Allegory of the suppression of the 1919 revolution and the advent of fascism in Hungary; in the countryside, a unit of the revolutionary army spares the life of father Vargha, a fanatical priest. He comes back and leads massacres. A new force, represented by Feher, apparently avenges the people, but only to impose a different, more refined and effective kind of repression.


Actors - Crew

József Madaras
Vargha páter
Daniel Olbrychski
A hegedülõ
Márk Zala
Márk atya
Lajos Balázsovits
A kanonok
Jaroslava Schallerová
A fiatal anya
Anna Széles
Szõke lány
Ottilia Pásztory
Makeup Artist
Tilda Gáti
Set Decoration
Miklós Jancsó
Tamás Banovich
Production Design
Ferenc Grunwalsky
Assistant Director
Julia Vitray

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