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Title: The House of the Bories
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.7
Imdb Votes: 10
Duration: 87 mins
Year: 1970
Language: French,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: France,


Julien, a renowned geologist, lives with his wife Isabelle and their two children in a country house. But his sullen, uncompromising attitude leaves tensions high. The arrival of Carl-Stephane, a young German student, brings a breath of fresh air and lightness to the household.


Actors - Crew

Marie Dubois
Isabelle Durras
Maurice Garrel
Julien Durras
Mathieu Carrière
Carl-Stéphane Kursdedt
Hélène Vallier
Marie Louise
Claude Titre
Madeleine Barbulée
Mlle Estienne
Jacques Doniol-Valcroze
Philippe Dussart
Production Manager
Mag Bodard
Production Supervisor
Alexandre Marcus
Makeup Artist
Antoine Bonfanti
Sound Mixer
André Hervée

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