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Title: Sole Survivor
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.409
Imdb Votes: 22
Duration: 100 mins
Year: 1970
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, TV Movie,
Country: United States of America,


In 1960, the ruins of an American bomber were found in the Libyan desert, but the remains of the crew were never located. In Guerdon Trueblood's teleplay, the ghosts of a bomber crew hang around their derelict plane, awaiting the day that their bones will be recovered and given a decent burial. The sole survivor, navigator Russell Hamner, has in the intervening 25 years become a General. He joins an investigation team that has come across the wreckage, while the ghosts, headed by Major Devlin, plot to expose Hamner as a coward who deserted his post and left his crew mates to die.


Actors - Crew

Vince Edwards
Maj. Michael Devlin
Richard Basehart
Brig. Gen. Russell Hamner
William Shatner
Lt. Col. Josef Gronke
Lou Antonio
Lawrence P. Casey
Dennis Cooney
Paul Stanley
Wally Burr
Guerdon Trueblood
Renn Reynolds
William Craig Smith
Art Direction
James Crabe
Director of Photography

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