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Title: Lovefilm
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.3
Imdb Votes: 9
Duration: 123 mins
Year: 1970
Language: Hungarian,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: Hungary,


A story of two young people in Hungary, Jancsi and Kata. First they are good friends, later lovers. Soon after the 1956 Revolution Kata leaves Hungary, Jancsi stays there. After 10 years Jancsi is allowed to visit Kata in France, their love is reborn, but after a short, very happy period Jancsi has to return to Hungary and their love fades as years have gone by.


Actors - Crew

András Bálint
Judit Halász
Edit Kelemen
A gyerek Kata
András Szamosfalvi
A gyerek Jancsi
Rita Békés
Mária Boga
István Szabó
Erzsébet Mialkovszky
Costume Design
György Sívó
József Lörincz
Director of Photography
János Gonda
Original Music Composer
Tamás Vayer
Production Design

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