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Title: Cain's Cutthroats
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.1
Imdb Votes: 8
Duration: 95 mins
Year: 1970
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Western,
Country: United States of America,


Following the Civil War, Confederate Captain Justice Cain has retired to a quiet life with his young son and black wife. However, the men of his old outfit, known as Cain's Cutthroats, have turned to lives of murder, torture and robbery. They attempt to convince Cain to ride with them once more. He refuses, and the Cutthroats murder his family. Swearing vengeance, Cain teams up with a colorful preacher/bounty hunter, and hunts down his family's killers one at a time.


Actors - Crew

John Carradine
Preacher Simms
Scott Brady
Justice Cain
Robert Dix
Amison - Gang Leader
Don Epperson
Darwin Joston
Billy Joe
Adair Jameson
Ken Osborne
Budd Dell
Wilton Denmark
Ralph Waldo
Director of Photography

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