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Title: Bloodthirsty Butchers
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.1
Imdb Votes: 16
Duration: 79 mins
Year: 1970
Language: English,
Genre: Horror,
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America,


Sweeney Todd, a barber, and Maggie Lovett, a baker, join forces to commit a series of brutal, gory murders in London with a little help from Tobias Ragg, an employee of Maggie's bakery. They abduct a number of customers from the barber shop and kill them, baking them into meat pies which are sold to the public.


Actors - Crew

John Miranda
Sweeney Todd
Annabella Wood
Johanna Jeffrey
Berwick Kaler
Tobias Ragg
Jane Hilary
Maggie Lovett
Michael Cox
Jarvis Williams
Linda Driver
Becky Todd
Ruth Golush
Script Supervisor
Marcia Neilson
Special Effects
Sonia Kaye
Andy Milligan
Hilary Wasp
Lighting Design
Susan Heard
Technical Supervisor

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