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Title: The Oblong Box
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.774
Imdb Votes: 85
Duration: 95 mins
Year: 1969
Language: English,
Genre: Horror,
Country: United Kingdom,


Evil lurks in the gloomy house at Markham Manor where a deranged Sir Edward is the chained prisoner of his brother Julian. When Sir Edward escapes, he embarks on a monstrous killing spree, determined to seek revenge on all those whom he feels have double-crossed him.


Actors - Crew

Vincent Price
Sir Julian Markham
Christopher Lee
Dr. J. Neuhartt
Rupert Davies
Joshua Kemp
Uta Levka
Sally Geeson
Sally Baxter
Alister Williamson
Sir Edward Markham
Gordon Hessler
Lawrence Huntington
Christopher Wicking
Edgar Allan Poe
Short Story
Louis M. Heyward
Executive Producer
John Coquillon
Director of Photography

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