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Title: The April Fools
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.018
Imdb Votes: 28
Duration: 95 mins
Year: 1969
Language: English, French,
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Newly-promoted if none too happily married Howard Brubaker leaves a rowdy company party early with the stunning Catherine, whom it turns out is herself unhappily married — to the boss. They spend an innocent night in New York becoming more and more attracted to each other, so that when Catherine announces she intends to leave her husband and return to Paris Howard asks to go along too.


Actors - Crew

Jack Lemmon
Howard Brubaker
Catherine Deneuve
Catherine Gunther
Peter Lawford
Ted Gunther
Jack Weston
Potter Shrader
Myrna Loy
Grace Greenlaw
Charles Boyer
Andre Greenlaw
Stuart Rosenberg
Costume Design
Gordon Carroll
Richard Sylbert
Production Design
Lynn Stalmaster
Marvin Hamlisch

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