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Title: Salesman
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.2
Imdb Votes: 81
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1969
Language: English,
Genre: Documentary,
Country: United States of America,


This documentary from Albert and David Maysles follows the bitter rivalry of four door-to-door salesmen working for the Mid-American Bible Company: Paul "The Badger" Brennan, Charles "The Gipper" McDevitt, James "The Rabbit" Baker and Raymond "The Bull" Martos. Times are tough for this hard-living quartet, who spend their days traveling through small-town America, trying their best to peddle gold-leaf Bibles to an apathetic crowd of lower-middle-class housewives and elderly couples.


Actors - Crew

Paul Brennan
Himself - 'The Badger'
Charles McDevitt
Himself - 'The Gipper'
James Baker
Himself - 'The Rabbit'
Raymond Martos
Himself - 'The Bull'
Melbourne I. Feltman
Margaret McCarron
David Maysles
Charlotte Zwerin
Albert Maysles
Dick Vorisek

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