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Title: Death of a Gunfighter
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.4
Imdb Votes: 32
Duration: 94 mins
Year: 1969
Language: English,
Genre: Western,
Country: United States of America,


In the turn-of-the century Texas town of Cottownwood Springs, marshal Frank Patch is an old-style lawman in a town determined to become modern. When he kills drunken Luke Mills in self-defense, the town leaders decide it's time for a change. That ask for Patch's resignation, but he refuses on the basis that the town on hiring him had promised him the job for as long as he wanted it. Afraid for the town's future and even more afraid of the fact that Marshal Patch knows all the town's dark secrets, the city fathers decide that old-style violence is the only way to rid themselves of the unwanted lawman.


Actors - Crew

Richard Widmark
Marshal Frank Patch
Lena Horne
Claire Quintana
Carroll O'Connor
Lester Locke
David Opatoshu
Edward Rosenbloom
Kent Smith
Andrew Oxley
Jacqueline Scott
Laurie Mills
Robert Totten
Joseph Calvelli
Lewis B. Patten
Richard E. Lyons
Andrew Jackson
Director of Photography
Robert F. Shugrue

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