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Title: The Ernie Game
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.2
Imdb Votes: 4
Duration: 88 mins
Year: 1968
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Crime,
Country: Canada,


This fictional feature follows a twenty-something man who is struggling to define his position in the world in early adulthood. He has left their parents' home but still has not made an home of his own. Our protagonist’s alienation is palpable; for him life is a game, not because he chooses to make it so, but because he is unable to make anything more of it. But for those who befriend him and eventually turn him loose again, his game is not enough.


Actors - Crew

Alexis Kanner
Ernie Turner
Jackie Burroughs
Anna Cameron
Social worker
Leonard Cohen
Rolland D'Amour
Judith Gault
Gordon Burwash
Martin Duckworth
Camera Operator
Roy Ayton
Derek May
Art Direction
Vic Merrill
Sound Editor
Robin Spry
Assistant Director

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