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Title: The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.727
Imdb Votes: 11
Duration: 93 mins
Year: 1968
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


Harriet Blossom is married to Robert Blossom, a businessman who'd rather spend the night at his bra factory than at home with her. One day, Harriet's sewing machine breaks, so Robert sends a repairman, Ambrose, to fix it. It's lust at first sight for Harriet, who convinces Ambrose to hide out in the attic for a tryst. When her new beau shows no desire to leave, the pair begin a years-long love affair right under Robert's nose.


Actors - Crew

Shirley MacLaine
Harriet Blossom
Richard Attenborough
Robert Blossom
James Booth
Ambrose Tuttle
Freddie Jones
Det. Sergeant Dylan
William Rushton
Dylan's Assistant
Bob Monkhouse
Dr. Taylor
David Hawkins
Sound Editor
Alec Coppel
Laurie Clarkson
Sound Recordist
David Besgrove
Assistant Director
Sally Scott
Assheton Gorton
Production Design

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