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Title: If He Hollers, Let Him Go!
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5
Imdb Votes: 4
Duration: 106 mins
Year: 1968
Language: English,
Genre: Crime, Drama,
Country: United States of America,


James Lake (Raymond St. Jacques) is an escaped black convict imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit. Leslie Whitlock (Kevin McCarthy) offers James money to kill his wife, Ellen (Dana Wynter). He declines and tries to look up his old flame Lily (Barbara McNair), but discovers his own brother is now married to the sultry nightclub singer. James returns to Leslie, and the trio travel towards a mountain retreat. James and Ellen escape and try to find the murderer who had framed James years before.


Actors - Crew

Dana Wynter
Ellen Whitlock
Raymond St. Jacques
James Lake
Kevin McCarthy
Leslie Whitlock
Barbara McNair
John Russell
Ann Prentiss
Thelma Wilson
Charles Martin
William W. Spencer
Director of Photography
Richard K. Brockway
Sammy Fain
Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson
Chester Himes

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