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Title: Corruption
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.8
Imdb Votes: 37
Duration: 91 mins
Year: 1968
Language: English,
Genre: Horror,
Country: United Kingdom,


A surgeon discovers that he can restore the beauty to his girlfriend's scarred face by murdering other women and extracting fluids from their pituitary gland. However, the effects only last for a short time, so he has to kill more and more women. It is ultimately a killing spree which ends with considerable death and disaster.


Actors - Crew

Peter Cushing
Sir John Rowan
Sue Lloyd
Lynn Nolan
Noel Trevarthen
Steve Harris
Kate O'Mara
Val Nolan
David Lodge
Anthony Booth
Mike Orme
Derek Ford
Donald Ford
Robert Hartford-Davis
John O'Gorman
Makeup Artist
Ken Softley
Assistant Director
Norman Jones
Camera Operator

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