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Title: A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.625
Imdb Votes: 24
Duration: 97 mins
Year: 1968
Language: Italian,
Genre: Western,
Country: Italy,


The bandit Pratt, looking for Tim, who is responsible for the death of his two sons, attacks a caravan killing all the passengers. Harry, the vagabond, after having robbed the dead, casually meets Tim and they become friends. Running away together from Pratt, they reach Harry's farm, but their hiding place is soon discovered.


Actors - Crew

Giuliano Gemma
Billy Boy aka Tim Hawkins
Mario Adorf
Magda Konopka
Widow Dorothy McDonald
Federico Boido
Roger Pratt
Julie Menard
Sirene / Donna
Anthony Dawson
Samuel Pratt
Piero Filippone
Production Design
Ennio Morricone
Original Music Composer
Giulio Petroni
Fausto Saraceni
Executive Producer
Gastone Di Giovanni
Camera Operator
Enzo Alabiso

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