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Title: Thoroughly Modern Millie
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.915
Imdb Votes: 88
Duration: 138 mins
Year: 1967
Language: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish,
Genre: Comedy, Music, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Millie Dillmount, a fearless young lady fresh from Salina, Kansas, determined to experience Life, sets out to see the world in the rip-roaring Twenties. With high spirits and wearing one of those new high hemlines, she arrives in New York to test the "modern" ideas she had been reading about back in Kansas: "I've taken the girl out of Kansas. Now I have to take Kansas out of the girl!"


Actors - Crew

Julie Andrews
Millie Dillmount
James Fox
Jimmy Smith
Mary Tyler Moore
Miss Dorothy Brown
Carol Channing
Muzzy Van Hossmere
John Gavin
Trevor Graydon
Jack Soo
Oriental #1
Richard Morris
George Roy Hill
Sheryl Deauville
Assistant Costume Designer
Jimmy Van Heusen
Sammy Cahn
Hayward Soo Hoo

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