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Title: S.O.S. Operation Bikini
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.7
Imdb Votes: 7
Duration: 84 mins
Year: 1967
Language: Spanish,
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime,
Country: Ecuador, Mexico,


Secret Organizational Service (S.O.S.) is an international crime syndicate, quite successful with their feminine agents operating under the guise of a fashion model agency led by Lady Bristol and her associate Luigi. The International Service is the governmental secret service decided to put a term to SOS's action. An agent has infiltrated SOS - but she is in danger, after sending a coded message to her supervising Inspector. So, agents Alex Dinamo is to join forces with Adriana, and give the undercover agent a hand.


Actors - Crew

Julio Alemán
Alex Dinamo
Sonia Furió
Sonia Infante
Madame Bristol
Roberto Cañedo
International Service's Inspector
Maura Monti
Noé Murayama
Bristol's Assistant Uli
René Cardona Jr.
Juan Carlos Carbajal
Photoscience Manager
Ernesto Cortázar Jr.

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