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Title: Torn Curtain
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.593
Imdb Votes: 560
Duration: 127 mins
Year: 1966
Language: Norwegian, German, Swedish, English,
Genre: Thriller,
Country: United States of America,


During the Cold War, an American scientist appears to defect to East Germany as part of a cloak and dagger mission to find the formula for a resin solution, but the plan goes awry when his fiancee, unaware of his motivation, follows him across the border.


Actors - Crew

Paul Newman
Michael Armstrong
Julie Andrews
Sarah Sherman
Lila Kedrova
Countess Kuchinska
Hansjörg Felmy
Heinrich Gerhard
Tamara Toumanova
Ludwig Donath
Gustav Lindt
Alfred Hitchcock
John Addison
Original Music Composer
John F. Warren
Director of Photography
Bud Hoffman
Hal Saunders
William Russell

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