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Title: The Plague of the Zombies
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.35
Imdb Votes: 133
Duration: 91 mins
Year: 1966
Language: English,
Genre: Horror,
Country: United Kingdom,


Sir James Forbes arrives in a remote Cornish village to identify a mysterious plague afflicting the population. Local squire Charles, a disciple of Haitian witchcraft, is using the voodoo magic to resurrect the dead to work in his decrepit and unsafe tin mines that are shunned by the local population. But his magic relies on human sacrifice and he unleashes his army of the undead on the unsuspecting village with horrific consequences.


Actors - Crew

André Morell
Sir James Forbes
Brook Williams
Dr. Peter Tompson
Diane Clare
Sylvia Forbes
John Carson
Squire Clive Hamilton
Jacqueline Pearce
Alice Mary Tompson
Michael Ripper
Sergeant Jack Swift
Frieda Steiger
Anthony Nelson Keys
Peter Bryan
Arthur Grant
Director of Photography
Chris Barnes
Bernard Robinson
Production Design

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