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Title: Meanders
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.9
Imdb Votes: 8
Duration: 91 mins
Year: 1966
Language: Romanian,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Romania,


Petru and Constantin, former faculty mates, have different views concerning their lives and professions; while the former has a bright imagination, is very creative and daring, the latter is looking only for personal comfort and material satisfaction. They contend for the same woman – but even if she loves Petru, she marries Constantin for his material condition. Though he finds in Constantin an adversary who does not hesitate to remove him, Petru will surpass him professionally.


Actors - Crew

Ernest Maftei
Margareta Pogonat
Anna Széles
Lia, Gelu's girlfriend
Dan Nuțu
Gelu, Constantin's son
Radu Dunăreanu
Mihai Pălădescu
architect Petru
Mircea Săucan
Tiberiu Olah
Gheorghe Viorel Todan
Director of Photography
Horia Lovinescu

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