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Title: Follow Me, Boys!
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.5
Imdb Votes: 26
Duration: 131 mins
Year: 1966
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Family,
Country: United States of America,


Lem Siddons is part of a traveling band who has a dream of becoming a lawyer. Deciding to settle down, he finds a job as a stockboy in the general store of a small town. Trying to fit in, he volunteers to become scoutmaster of the newly formed Troop 1. Becoming more and more involved with the scout troop, he finds his plans to become a lawyer being put on the back burner, until he realizes that his life has been fulfilled helping the youth of the small town.


Actors - Crew

Fred MacMurray
Lemuel Siddons
Vera Miles
Vida Downey
Lillian Gish
Hetty Seibert
Charles Ruggles
John Everett Hughes
Elliott Reid
Ralph Hastings
Kurt Russell
Norman Tokar
MacKinlay Kantor
Louis Pelletier
Robert Stafford
Clifford Stine
Director of Photography
George Bruns
Original Music Composer

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