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Title: The Brigand of Kandahar
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.7
Imdb Votes: 10
Duration: 84 mins
Year: 1965
Language: English,
Genre: Adventure, War, History,
Country: United Kingdom,


1880. British India. Robert Case, a half-caste lieutenant, is unjustly discharged from the British Army. He joins the rebel Bengali tribesmen offensive against the colonial enemy. They capture a foreign journalist and Case recounts his story of false accusation on trumped-up charges, instigated by the bigotry and racism of his commanding officers. Following a successful attack by the British against the rebels Case is brutally shot by Colonel Drewe, his accuser. The journalist returns home determined to report the true story of The Brigand of Kandahar.


Actors - Crew

Oliver Reed
Ali Kahn
Duncan Lamont
Col. Drew
Yvonne Romain
Katherine Woodville
Glyn Houston
Caron Gardner
Serving Maid
John Gilling
Bernard Robinson
Production Design

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