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Title: Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.1
Imdb Votes: 13
Duration: 98 mins
Year: 1965
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


When a native village is apparently terrorized by a Lion, the local sergeant enlists the help of a veterinarian working at a nearby animal study center. It is soon discovered that the Lion has a unique problem, it has double vision due to the fact that it is cross eyed and therefore cannot hunt. The Lion is taken back to the study center and is soon adopted by the vet's daughter. Meanwhile, a dangerous criminal is planning to capture young Gorillas and sell them on the black market...


Actors - Crew

Marshall Thompson
Dr. Marsh Tracy
Betsy Drake
Julie Harper
Richard Haydn
Rupert Rowbotham
Cheryl Miller
Paula Tracy
Alan Caillou
Rockne Tarkington
Andrew Marton
Alan Caillou
Marshall Thompson
Art Arthur

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