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Title: Rififi in the City
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5
Imdb Votes: 8
Duration: 100 mins
Year: 1964
Language: Spanish,
Genre: Crime, Thriller,
Country: Spain,


In an unnamed Central American state on the eve of a crucial election, a young police informer working for police officer Miguel Mora bent on uncovering the shady works of popular politician Maurice Leprince is killed. However, thugs working for Leprince began to be killed one by one as well.


Actors - Crew

Fernando Fernán Gómez
Sargento Detective Miguel Mora
Jean Servais
Maurice Leprince
Laura Granados
Agustín González
Antonio Ribera
Antonio Prieto
Comisario Vargas
Robert Manuel
Jesús Franco
Godofredo Pacheco

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