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Title: The Terror
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.1
Imdb Votes: 148
Duration: 79 mins
Year: 1963
Language: English,
Genre: Horror, Mystery,
Country: United States of America,


Lt. Andre Duvalier awakens on a beach to the sight of a strange woman who leads him to the gothic, towering castle that serves as home to an eerie baron.


Actors - Crew

Boris Karloff
Baron Victor Frederick Von Leppe
Jack Nicholson
Lt. Andre Duvalier
Sandra Knight
Helene / Ghost of Ilsa The Baroness Von Leppe
Dick Miller
Dorothy Neumann
Katrina, Witch / Eric's Mother
Jonathan Haze
Harvey Jacobson
Executive Producer
Francis Ford Coppola
Associate Producer
Roger Corman
Monte Hellman
Location Manager
Donald C. Glouner
Visual Effects Producer
Les Baxter

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