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Title: The Mind Benders
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 23
Duration: 109 mins
Year: 1963
Language: English,
Genre: Thriller, Drama,
Country: United Kingdom,


A British scientist is discovered to have been passing information to the Communists, then kills himself. Another scientist decides that they might have brainwashed him by a sensory deprivation technique, but he doesn’t know if someone really can be convinced to act against their strongest feelings. So he agrees to be the subject in an experiment in which others will try to make him stop loving his wife.


Actors - Crew

Dirk Bogarde
Dr. Henry Laidlaw Longman
Mary Ure
Oonagh Longman
John Clements
Major Hall
Michael Bryant
Dr. Danny Tate
Wendy Craig
Harold Goldblatt
Professor Sharpey
Basil Dearden
James Kennaway
Michael Relph
Charles Orme
Production Manager
Georges Auric
Original Music Composer
Anthony Mendleson
Costume Design

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