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Title: PT 109
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.9
Imdb Votes: 28
Duration: 140 mins
Year: 1963
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, War,
Country: United States of America, Solomon Islands,


Dramatization of President John F. Kennedy's war time experiences during which he captained a PT boat, took it to battle and had it sunk by a Japanese destroyer. He and the survivors had to make their way to an island, find food and shelter and signal the Navy for rescue.


Actors - Crew

Cliff Robertson
Lt. John F, Kennedy
Ty Hardin
Ensign Leonard J. Thom
James Gregory
Commander C.R. Ritchie
Robert Culp
Ensign George 'Barney' Ross
Grant Williams
Lt. Alvin Cluster
Lew Gallo
Yeoman Rogers
Richard L. Breen
Howard Sheehan
Vincent X. Flaherty
Robert J. Donovan
Leslie H. Martinson
Bob Herron

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