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Title: Typhoon
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 2
Duration: 105 mins
Year: 1962
Language: Mandarin,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Taiwan,


A clever and lively girl who gets lost in the world of radio drama believes the woman playing mahjong is not her mother, and runs away from home to search for her imaginary mother. A scoundrel claims to be the girl’s father to escape from police. They encounter two women in the mountains: one is tortured by his workaholic husband who engages madly in his scientific research, the other is the pure and naïve girl living in the mountains. Typhoon is coming. They are trapped in a weather station by the heavy rain with their heart and mind overwhelmed by emotions like the rainstorm outside. The film daringly deals with the near infidelity of a middle-aged housewife, a subject at that time both unusual and controversial.


Actors - Crew

Tang Ching
Tang Pao-Yun
Mu Hong
Mrs He
Pan Lei
Hung Ching-Yun
Director of Photography

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