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Title: The Horrible Dr. Hichcock
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.9
Imdb Votes: 62
Duration: 88 mins
Year: 1962
Language: Italian,
Genre: Horror,
Country: Italy,


The year is 1885, and necrophiliac Dr. Hitchcock likes to drug his wife for sexual funeral games. One day he accidentally administers an overdose and kills her. Several years later he remarries, with the intention of using the blood of his new bride to bring his first wife's rotting corpse back to life.


Actors - Crew

Barbara Steele
Cynthia Hichcock
Robert Flemyng
Prof. Bernard Hichcock
Silvano Tranquilli
Dr. Kurt Lowe
Maria Teresa Vianello
Margherita Hichcock
Harriet Medin
Martha, the maid
Spencer Williams
Riccardo Freda
Ernesto Gastaldi
Italia Scandariato
Costume Design
Euclide Santoli
Makeup Artist
Luigi Carpentieri
Ermanno Donati

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