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Title: Moon Pilot
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.4
Imdb Votes: 20
Duration: 98 mins
Year: 1962
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Family,
Country: United States of America,


An Air Force captain inadvertently volunteers to make the first manned flight around the moon. He immediately falls under the watchful protection of various security agencies, but despite all their precautions, a young woman who may be an enemy spy succeeds in making contact with the captain. The captain eventually discovers that this woman is not an enemy but rather a friend from a very unusual source.


Actors - Crew

Tom Tryon
Capt. Richmond Talbot
Brian Keith
Maj. Gen. John M. Vanneman
Edmond O'Brien
McClosky aka 'Mac'
Dany Saval
Bob Sweeney
Sen. Henry McGuire
Tommy Kirk
Walter Talbot
James Neilson
Maurice Tombragel
William E. Snyder
Director of Photography

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