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Title: Mamma Roma
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.9
Imdb Votes: 398
Duration: 110 mins
Year: 1962
Language: Italian,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Italy,


After years spent working as a prostitute in her Italian village, middle-aged Mamma Roma has saved enough money to buy herself a fruit stand so that she can have a respectable middle-class life and reestablish contact with the 16-year-old son she abandoned when he was an infant. But her former pimp threatens to expose her sordid past, and her troubled son seems destined to fall into a life of crime and violence.


Actors - Crew

Anna Magnani
Mamma Roma
Ettore Garofolo
Franco Citti
Silvana Corsini
Luisa Loiano
Paolo Volponi
Amalia Paoletti
Franco Casati
Production Secretary
Andreina Casini
Assistant Editor
Lina D'Amico
Script Supervisor
Gioacchino Sofia
Assistant Camera
Mirella Gamacchio
Script Supervisor

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