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Title: A Monkey in Winter
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.6
Imdb Votes: 204
Duration: 105 mins
Year: 1962
Language: French,
Genre: Drama, Comedy,
Country: France,


In the throes of World War II, French innkeeper Albert Quentin vows to stay away from alcohol if he and his wife and child survive. Many years later, Albert and his family are thriving in their small resort town of Normandy, and Albert has kept his promise to himself. However, when advertising professional Gabriel Fouquet comes to town, the limits of Albert's iron will are tested due to the young man's charming disposition and penchant for alcohol.


Actors - Crew

Jean Gabin
Albert Quentin
Jean-Paul Belmondo
Gabriel Fouquet
Suzanne Flon
Suzanne Quentin
Gabrielle Dorziat
Mme Victoria, la directrice
Hella Petri
Georgina, la patronne du bar
Marcelle Arnold
l'infirmière de la pension
Henri Verneuil
Michel Audiard
Louis Page
Director of Photography
Claude Pinoteau
Assistant Director
Léon Sanz
Production Manager
Jean Rieul

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