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Title: The Counterfeiters of Paris
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7
Imdb Votes: 97
Duration: 98 mins
Year: 1961
Language: French,
Genre: Crime, Comedy,
Country: France, Italy,


"Le Dabe" retired many years ago and now he lives in the Tropics where he owns stables and horses. He is a very rich man. He was the king of all money counterfeiters. He is contacted from Paris to organize a new job. He says no. But when he finds out the the currency that should be counterfeited is the Dutch florin, he accepts immediately. He retired after having counterfeited 100 florin notes just before the Queen Wilhelmina retired them from circulation. He flies to Paris. But the gang is not to be trusted, at least not all of them.


Actors - Crew

Jean Gabin
Ferdinand Maréchal, aka 'le Dabe'
Bernard Blier
Charles Lepicard
Martine Carol
Solange Mideau
Maurice Biraud
Robert Mideau, aka 'le Cave'
Frank Villard
Éric Masson
Françoise Rosay
Madame Pauline
Jean Rieul
Yvonne Gasperina
Makeup Artist
Gilles Grangier
Michel Audiard
Jacqueline Thiédot
Michel Legrand
Original Music Composer

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