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Title: Hand in Hand
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.2
Imdb Votes: 8
Duration: 73 mins
Year: 1961
Language: English, Hebrew, Latin,
Genre: Drama, Family,
Country: United Kingdom,


Seven-year-olds Michael and Rachel are best friends who do everything together and who have vowed to remain friends "forever and ever and can't be parted for never and never". Unfortunately, the society that Michael and Rachel live in is one of religious intolerance. The fact that Michael is Irish Catholic and Rachel is Jewish is a point of conflict for just about everyone in the community.


Actors - Crew

Philip Needs
Michael O'Malley
Loretta Parry
Rachel Mathias
Kathleen Byron
Mrs. O'Malley
Finlay Currie
Mr. Pritchard
Arnold Diamond
Mr. Mathias
John Gregson
Father Timothy
Sidney Harmon
Terry Poulton
Sound Editor
Leopold Atlas
A. W. Lumkin
Recording Supervision
Mike Roberts
Clapper Loader
Jackie Jackson
Wardrobe Master

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