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Title: Gidget Goes Hawaiian
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.5
Imdb Votes: 11
Duration: 101 mins
Year: 1961
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Music, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Francis is desperate: her parents want to force her to come with them on vacation to Hawaii - just during the two weeks when her beloved "Moondoggy" is home from College. When he suggests her to go for it, she's even more in panic - doesn't he care to be with her? So she sets out for Hawaii in the worst mood. On the plane she meets the sociable Abby, who gives her the advice to forget about Jeff - and regrets it shortly after, when Francis follows the advice and steals her boyfriend Eddie, a famous dancer. But then Jeff discovers he's missing Francis...


Actors - Crew

Deborah Walley
Francine "Gidget" Lawrence
James Darren
Jeffrey "Moondoggy" Matthews
Michael Callan
Eddie Horner
Carl Reiner
Russ Lawrence
Peggy Cass
Mitzi Stewart
Eddie Foy Jr.
Monty Stewart
Frederick Kohner
Paul Wendkos
Ruth Brooks Flippen
Fred Karger
Stanley Styne

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