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Title: The Wackiest Ship in the Army
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.986
Imdb Votes: 35
Duration: 99 mins
Year: 1960
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, War,
Country: United States of America,


Lieutenant Rip Crandall is hoodwinked into taking command of the "Wackiest Ship in the Navy" – a real garbage scow with a crew of misfits who don't know a jib from a jigger. What none of them knows, including Crandall, is that this ship has a very important top-secret mission to complete in waters patrolled by the Japanese fleet. Their mission will save hundreds of allied lives – if only they can get there in one piece.


Actors - Crew

Jack Lemmon
Rip Crandall
Ricky Nelson
Tommy Hanson
John Lund
Wilbur Vandewater
Chips Rafferty
Tom Tully
Captain McClung
Joby Baker
Josh Davidson
Richard Murphy
Fred Kohlmar
Herbert H. Margolis
William Raynor
Herbert Carlson
George Duning
Original Music Composer

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