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Title: The Tingler
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.335
Imdb Votes: 155
Duration: 82 mins
Year: 1959
Language: English,
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction,
Country: United States of America,


A pathologist experiments with a deaf-mute woman who is unable to scream to prove that humans die of fright due to an organism he names The Tingler that lives within each person on the spinal cord and is suppressed only when people scream when scared.


Actors - Crew

Vincent Price
Dr. Warren Chapin
Philip Coolidge
Oliver 'Ollie' Higgins
Judith Evelyn
Mrs. Martha Ryerson Higgins
Darryl Hickman
David Morris
Pamela Lincoln
Lucy Stevens
Patricia Cutts
Isabel Stevens Chapin
Robb White
William Castle
Hazel Keats
Makeup Artist
Monty Westmore
Makeup Artist
Herb Wallerstein
Assistant Director
John P. Livadary
Sound Supervisor

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