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Title: On the Beach
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.6
Imdb Votes: 199
Duration: 134 mins
Year: 1959
Language: English,
Genre: Science Fiction, Drama, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


In 1964, atomic war wipes out humanity in the northern hemisphere; one American submarine finds temporary safe haven in Australia, where life-as-usual covers growing despair. In denial about the loss of his wife and children in the holocaust, American Captain Towers meets careworn but gorgeous Moira Davidson, who begins to fall for him. The sub returns after reconnaissance a month (or less) before the end; will Towers and Moira find comfort with each other?


Actors - Crew

Gregory Peck
Dwight Towers
Ava Gardner
Moira Davidson
Fred Astaire
Julian Osborn
Anthony Perkins
Lt. Peter Holmes
Donna Anderson
Mary Holmes
Guy Doleman
Lt. Cmdr. Farrel
John Paxton
Stanley Kramer
Sam Freedle
Script Supervisor
Lee Zavitz
Special Effects
Jane Shugrue
Frank Prehoda
Makeup Artist

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