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Title: Miss Chic
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.278
Imdb Votes: 9
Duration: 91 mins
Year: 1959
Language: Swedish,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: Sweden,


Buster Carell, a talent agent is threatened by bankruptcy when his only real talent, a singing lumberjack, runs off with the company funds. Watching a TV quiz show, Carell discovers a prodigal singer, Isabella Linder, and offers her a contract. But she is unwilling and would like to remain a school teacher.


Actors - Crew

Sickan Carlsson
Isabella Linder
Hasse Ekman
Buster Carell
Meg Westergren
Margareta Langenhielm
Herman Ahlsell
Krister van Boren
Sif Ruud
Miss Trimling
Hjördis Petterson
Rita Rang
Hasse Ekman
Gösta Stevens
Allan Ekelund
Martin Bodin
Director of Photography
Charles Redland
Original Music Composer
P.A. Lundgren
Production Design

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