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Title: Curse of the Undead
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.4
Imdb Votes: 27
Duration: 79 mins
Year: 1959
Language: English,
Genre: Horror, Western,
Country: United States of America,


A mysterious epidemic has struck an Old West frontier town and young girls are falling deathly ill. Doc Carter, his lovely daughter Dolores, and preacher Dan Young have their hands full caring for the infirm. When one of the patients dies unexpectedly, Dan notices two puncture wounds on her neck. His investigation leads him to the strange gunslinger Drake Robey, who always seems to be slower on the draw than his opponents, but who—despite being outdrawn, and even shot—always manages to survive these deadly encounters. Dan soon discovers that Drake also has an aversion to crucifixes, sleeps in coffins, and cannot tolerate sunlight...


Actors - Crew

Eric Fleming
Preacher Dan
Michael Pate
Drake Robey
Kathleen Crowley
Dolores Carter
John Hoyt
Dr. Carter
Bruce Gordon
Edward Binns
Mildred Dein
Joseph Gershenson
Ellis W. Carter
Director of Photography
Edward Dein
Larry Germain
Milton Rosen
Music Supervisor

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