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Title: A Bucket of Blood
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.5
Imdb Votes: 144
Duration: 66 mins
Year: 1959
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Horror,
Country: United States of America,


Nerdy Walter Paisley, a maladroit busboy at a beatnik café who doesn't fit in with the cool scene around him, attempts to woo his beautiful co-worker, Carla, by making a bust of her. When his klutziness results in the death of his landlady's cat, he panics and hides its body under a layer of plaster. But when Carla and her friends enthuse over the resulting artwork, Walter decides to create some bigger and more elaborate pieces using the same artistic process.


Actors - Crew

Dick Miller
Walter Paisley
Barboura Morris
Antony Carbone
Leonard de Santis
Julian Burton
Maxwell H. Brock
Ed Nelson
Art Lacroix
John Brinkley
Charles B. Griffith
Anthony Carras
Daniel Haller
Art Direction
Roger Corman
Fred Katz
Jacques R. Marquette
Director of Photography

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