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Title: The Key
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 27
Duration: 134 mins
Year: 1958
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Romance, War,
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America,


In wartime England, circa 1941, poorly-armed tugs are sent into "U-Boat Alley" to rescue damaged Allied ships. An American named David Ross arrives to captain one of these tugs. He's given a key by a fellow tugboat-man -- a key to an apartment and its pretty female resident. Should something happen to the friend, Ross can use the key.


Actors - Crew

William Holden
Capt. David Ross
Sophia Loren
Trevor Howard
Capt. Chris Ford
Bernard Lee
Cmdr. Wadlow
Oskar Homolka
Van Dam
Kieron Moore
Jan de Hartog
Carol Reed
Carl Foreman
Aubrey Baring
Associate Producer
Bert Bates
Geoffrey Drake
Art Direction

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