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Title: Missile to the Moon
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.556
Imdb Votes: 27
Duration: 78 mins
Year: 1958
Language: English,
Genre: Science Fiction, Horror,
Country: United States of America,


Two escaped convicts are found hiding in a rocketship built by a renegade inventor, who forces them to become the crew for a trip to the Moon. Also on board, as inadvertent stowaways, are his assistant and his secretary; and none of them are aware that the inventor is actually a Lunarian explorer sent to Earth by the dying Lunar civilization and the only remaining male member of that civilization.


Actors - Crew

Richard Travis
Steve Dayton
Cathy Downs
June Saxton
K.T. Stevens
The Lido
Gary Clarke
Tommy Cook
Michael Whalen
Dirk Green
Richard E. Cunha
Harry Reif
Set Decoration
Vincent Fotre
Gale McGarry
Nicholas Carras
Original Music Composer
H.E. Barrie

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