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Title: Cattle Empire
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 18
Duration: 83 mins
Year: 1958
Language: English,
Genre: Western,
Country: United States of America,


After serving a five year prison sentence for allowing his men to destroy a town in a drunken spree, a trail boss is hired by the same town's leading citizen to drive their cattle to Fort Clemson. Complicating matters, a rival cattle baron also hires the cattle driver to lead his herd.


Actors - Crew

Joel McCrea
John Cord
Gloria Talbott
Sandy Jeffrey
Don Haggerty
Ralph Hamilton
Phyllis Coates
Janice Hamilton
Bing Russell
Douglas Hamilton
Richard Shannon
Charles Marquis Warren
Endre Bohem
Daniel B. Ullman
Eric Norden

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